Boating data

Go beyond census data and answer questions about the waterways that were previously considered unanswerable.

The waterway activity data platform

DECKEE Analytics is a tool for governments, companies, consultants and researchers that helps partners:

  • Understand how locals and visitors use the waterways with powerful insights

  • Gain activity insights based on date and time, watercraft types, facilities used and weather

  • Make data driven decisions that deliver public safety, environmental and economic outcomes

Waterway boating activity data

Access waterway insights

Explore anonymized behavior data from the millions of navigated nautical miles on DECKEE.

  • Understand how users are moving around the waterways

  • Monitor behavior trends that help with planning and strategy

  • Justify resources, investments and improvements with data

  • Identify risks and opportunities to optimize your waterways

Inform your strategy and decision making

Governments, companies and researchers answer questions with anonymized, representative data from DECKEE Analytics.

  • Explore boat data, activity patterns and demographic profiles

  • Understand infrastructure usage to inform operations and investment

  • Enhance customer research, R&D, targeted marketing and sales

  • Assess and prevent human impact on the marine ecosystem

Case study: Department of Transport Western Australia

The Department of Transport, Western Australia Maritime Navigational Safety team had become aware of a submerged rock at the southern end of Dirk Hartog Island which had contributed to a number of near misses and collisions.

DECKEE Analytics provided visibility on anonymized, aggregate boating activity in that precise area, revealing the close proximity of boaters to the hazard over the past 12 months.

For the first time ever, DoT Western Australia has now been able to consider data-driven interventions such as whether to update DoT charts based on boating activity or install a navigational marker to reduce the likelihood of future accidents or fatalities occurring.

Get answers to your waterway questions

Achieve more for your community with less by leveraging the DECKEE Analytics platform.